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From Queen to Swift; the evolution of the music industry

Aidan 'Oden' Owen

1 June 2023

It’s no secret that music has evolved a lot in the last 60 years or so, but in recent times, the question has been raised; has its evolution been beneficial or detrimental to music integrity...

It’s no secret that music has evolved a lot in the last 60 years or so, but in recent times, the question has been raised; has its evolution been beneficial or detrimental to music integrity.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been one for older music. I’m talking Zeppelin, Black sabbath, Michael Jackson, Prince just to name a few. I don’t have an entire understanding as to why. My parents definitely played a key role in it as they were, and are a big influence on me and my tastes. But as I got older, I started to develop my own opinions and tastes in music. All of a sudden, the music world was at my fingertips. I experimented with tons of different genres and categories. I definitely noticed that I heavily leaned towards rock and metal and alt rock etc… However, I did find that some aspect of pop and modern pop enjoyable, However, (for a second time), it didn’t have the same feeling as I had while listening to the older music, there was something missing, as if there was no genuine passion. It made me question the progression of the industry and its projection of quality in the future.

It seems to me that back in the 70s-80s, music was something that every artist cherished and loved and was passionate about. But these days I’m just not sure. Everything is so formulated and electronic and computer generated, it’s as if the soul of music was literally taken out of it. But this should not come as much of a surprise. With improvements made to technology, especially with the last couple of years seeing a MAJOR improvement in AI music, it was inevitable that music would only get more and more sophisticated. In the famous words of Freddie Mercury, “We are in a golden age of music. There will be a time when technology becomes so advanced that we'll rely on it to make music rather than raw talent...and music will lose its soul”. This statement rules to be true more and more every day. Even one of the most respected and loved artists of the 70s, 80s, and 90s could see his industries fate. Although the question still plays on my mind. Is this for the better? Are we on the right track? Or is this the end of music… You decide.

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